Our Blog
Why Scales Aren’t the Ultimate Measure of Success
You’ve been working out consistently, pushing yourself in training, but when you step on the scale, it shows that you’ve gained weight. What’s going on? The truth is, scales can’t capture the full picture of what’s happening in your body. What’s Really Changing? Body...
Sports training is different from fitness?
The fitness world certainly has changed radically in the last 15 years. It is crazy to think that back when I first started coaching back then there were really no ‘small gyms’ to speak of. Your options were to go to a big gym and train on your...
Scapular Exercises for Shoulder Health
Shoulder blades, or scapulas, often don't get the attention they deserve. You might recall your mom reminding you to stand up straight, lift your chest, raise your chin, and pull your shoulders back. That action of squeezing your shoulder blades together was your...
Will Alcohol Make Me Gain Weight?
This is one of the most common questions I get from clients who are training hard and worried about the impact of those occasional drinks. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t straightforward. But after spending years studying and deciphering complex information, I’ll give...
Importance of Posture
Want to look 10 kilograms lighter without breaking a sweat or chugging down carrot juice? The secret lies in your posture. Simply holding your head up high and keeping your shoulders back can work wonders. Nothing highlights an unwanted belly more than slouching, so...